Replica Classic Cars II – The “Continuation” Cars
When I was led to write the ‘Replica Classic Cars’ post, earlier this year, as a result of seeing an advertisement for a replica Austin Healey 3000, I couldn’t have […]
Restomods and Continuation Cars
My ‘Replica Classic Cars‘ post, published in March 2021, seems to have caught the imagination of CSI readers judging by the large number of “hits” it has received and continues […]
Replica Classic Cars II
When I was led to write the ‘Replica Classic Cars’ post, earlier this year, as a result of seeing an advertisement for a replica Austin Healey 3000, I couldn’t have […]
Replica Classic Cars
I recently had an exchange of emails with Ian Grainger who is a member of the Austin Healey Owners Club. Ian wrote an article about the Trident Clipper‘s use of […]