It’s always a pleasure to attend this annual event. Everyone you meet is friendly and courteous, the people on the various stands are keen to tell you about their cars. In this way you learn things that you never knew before about certain marques.
One of the most interesting (unique?) features of the Classic & Restoration is the Footman James’s Barn Finds section. This year there were several cars in this area that grabbed my attention but if I had to name just two they would be, the SS 2 Coupe and the Cadillac “Flower Car”, see photos of both under the ‘Barn Finds’ heading below.
As always, my aim was to seek out the rarest of cars and or cars that I hadn’t seen before. Here are the ones that caught my eye, arranged alphabetically –

Note: The following two Healey cars were being exhibited on the Auto Anonymous stand.

Footman James ‘Barn Finds’

Lancaster ‘Pride of Ownership’
My two favourites –

CLUBS One of the other major features of this show is the large number of Car and Car & Bike Club stands. Here are just a few of them –

That’s all folks!