Last Friday I made my annual pilgrimage to the Classic Motor Show held at the Birmingham National Exhibition Centre. I have attended for the past six years and in my opinion this was the best ever. Over this period I could be forgiven for thinking that “I have seen it all” but each year I encounter cars I have never seen before and this year was certainly no exception. The purpose of my visit, as always, was to photograph cars that took my interest, the rarer the better.

As a separate task, I always look out for Healey cars being displayed. There were not quite so many this year, or, more truthfully I probably wasn’t looking in the right places. The NEC is a massive place with several different halls. Club stands seem to be scattered amongst all the Halls. Anyway here are the few that I did capture –

Classic Motor Show Birmingham NEC 2023 – Part One

Classic Motor Show Birmingham NEC 2023 – Part Two


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