This was my first visit to the Hinckley Annual Motorshow, I will have to say “I was blown away!”. The organisers, Hinckley BID (Business Improvement District, in case you were wondering) said in its publicity material for the event ” probably the biggest town centre Motorshow in the country”. I don’t doubt it but it wasn’t just cars that were on show, there were a large number of motorbikes and scooters plus an excellent display of tractors.
Some of the best motor museums in the world would not be able to display the wide range of cars that were on the streets of Hinckley Town Centre on 19th September 2021. Some of them are very rare indeed such as the 1931 Star Comet, but by the Star Motor Company of Wolverhampton, the 1936 Morris 8 Tourer, not many of those made in that configuration and the Toyota Sera.
As you can see from the following photos, the day started out quite wet, I was wearing a showerproof coat with a hood, as were many others, brollies were also very much in evidence. But neither exhibitors nor spectators were going to let a little rain spoil their pleasure. We were rewarded, at around mid-day, when the sun broke through, it was very warm too. Some of the more experienced and fastidious exhibitors had come equipped with special towels, (I hadn’t seen them before but I think that I will have to get one) to mop up all the water from their cars so that they could look their best. I was very impressed with the condition of fairly ordinary cars, in their day, twenty, thirty and more years old, looking as if they had just left the showroom.
Well done to you all, you did Hinckley and all the “petrolheads” that attended, proud.
Here are some photos of vehicles that particularly took my attention –
Supercars and Sports cars

For Part 2 click here –
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