Congratulations to the organisers for putting on yet another wonderful Retro Warwick Classic Car and Bike Show. This, despite restrictions on the space available to display cars in and around Market Place this year. I have been a regular attender for the past five years (not held in 2020 because of Covid) and it always amazes me that each year cars are on display that I haven’t seen before. That was certainly true this year. This pleases me because I always like to show the CSI audience something different.
I had a long chat with the lady owner of the Volvo P444. She and the car are from Norway (built in Sweden of course), it was bought, new, by her uncle in 1957 and has been in the family ever since. The owner and the car now reside in the U.K. It appears to be in excellent condition but she tells me that there are still a few things that need attention. That’s one of the very nice things about Classic Car Shows and Retro Warwick in particular, you meet some very nice people with fascinating, car-related, stories to tell.
Here are the photos I took at Retro Warwick 2021 –

Modern Era Cars

Outside the Warwick Market Hall Museum that is currently hosting a Healey Exhibition

Triumph Motorcycles
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