(Austin) Healey 100 – 70th Anniversary

Healey 100 70th Anniversary

The story of how Leonard Lord, managing director of the Austin Motor Company Ltd., stumbled across the Healey 100 being displayed on the Donald Healey Motor Company’s stand at the […]

A Cornish Healey Odyssey

Healeys Cyder Farm

Since becoming involved with the Warwickshire County Record Office’s Healey Motor Company Archive project, in 2016, I have become immersed in the fascinating story of how Cornishman, Donald Healey founded […]

Healey: Cars for Speed and Glamour – Exhibition

Healey Abbot

Featured Photo – Healey Abbott in Warwick Market Place. Most car enthusiasts are aware of the fact that Donald Mitchell Healey (DMH) established his eponymous motor company in Warwickshire’s County […]

Replica Classic Cars

Cavaliere Austin Healey 3000 replica

I recently had an exchange of emails with Ian Grainger who is a member of the Austin Healey Owners Club. Ian wrote an article about the Trident Clipper‘s use of […]

Gerry Coker 1922 – 2020

gerry Coker with DMH

              In tribute to Gerry Coker Many CarScene posts since 2017 have been dedicated to the history of the Donald Healey Motor Co., Warwick, […]