Avon Coachworks Warwick

This article has been produced for coachbuild.com When researching for my ‘The Jensen brothers and their cars’ blog post, I discovered that their second design, after the one based on […]

Jensen Motors – The Revivals

Introduction After my ‘The interceptor Years’ post, I thought that was the end of the story as far as I was concerned.  I knew that there had been several attempts at resurrecting the Jensen […]

Jensen Motors – The Contracts

Before I get into the detail of the Jensen Motors Contracts I feel that I should provide a brief history of the company – The development of the Jensen brother’s […]

Jensen Motors – The Interceptor years

Jensen Motors – The Interceptor years The ‘Beginning’, ‘Bespoke’ and ‘Contracts’ posts were certainly all about Alan and Richard Jensen, the cars they designed and built in their pre WWII […]

Jensen Motors – The Beginning

Introduction In 2013 a number of my posts, unexpectedly, featured the Austin Healey 100/3000. The trigger for this was me being provoked into wanting to draw peoples’ attention to the […]