I am a subscriber to the Auto Royale – British International Concours newsletter.
The Christmas edition of the newsletter was sent out in mid December and contained a competition to win one of three copies of the book referred to in the title of this post.
What entrants had to do was suggest three cars that they would like to see included in the Auto Royale Concours to be held at Waddesdon Manor next July.
The winners would be those who, in the opinion of the judges, had suggested the three most interesting combinations.
Here are my three suggestions –

As you can see my theme is “streamlining” which was very popular amongst the carrossiers of the 1930s.
The book itself is amazing, worthy of gracing the coffee table of anyone interested in classic cars in general; and of particular interest to those who own cars that they enter into Concours competitions. The book contains a couple of articles by esteemed Concours judges, informing readers of their experiences and what they look for when inspecting a car entered for a Concours competition.
As one would expect, everything about the book is “very high end”; turning each page transmits a tactile delight to accompany the excitement generated by the exquisite photos and text. Unless you are a total expert in the classic car field, I would expect you to see cars that you have not seen before. In the case of the section on “Concept cars”, I would think that many readers would not even know the names of some of the niche manufactures let alone the “heady” designs that they have created.
As you might deduce, I am delighted that the judges at Auto Royale were suitably impressed by my suggestions. 😀
Here are just a few photos of pages from the book –

The moral of the story? “you have to be in it to win it”. 🙂
Links –
The Concours Year – https://www.concoursyear.com/
AutoRoyale – https://autoroyale.org/
Classic Car Shows, Concours and Auctions – 2021 – https://www.carsceneinternational.com/uk-classic-car-shows-club-event/classic-car-shows-auctions-2021/
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