My first Morgan Factory Tour was undertaken in July 2019, circumstances beyond my control meant that I couldn’t complete it then. This time I was able to complete the whole tour which was led in an admirable fashion by Derek. I should mention that I was a guest of John Sootheran, editor of the prestigious Morgan quarterly magazine MOG.
As you might expect, for Morgan, not a lot had changed since my first visit. The excellent Morgan Experience reception area has been expanded and maybe as a consequence, the ‘Archive’ area seemed smaller with not as many cars on display. I thought the lighting in this area could be improved.
The Plus 6 model with the new CX bonded aluminium chassis had just been launched on our first visit in 2019. You might be interested to know that the designation CX was chosen because, in Roman numerals, it equates to 110, this being the number of years the company had been in existence in 2019. The more I see this chassis, with double wishbone suspension at its four corners, the more I am impressed with it. The people who designed it should be named and take a bow.
The good news circulating during our visit was that, after a passage of nearly twenty years, Morgan four wheelers have been granted homologation approval in the USA and can now be sold there. What a huge boost to the company’s financial wellbeing that will be. Also, Matthew Hole has been appointed C.E.O after the return of the charismatic Massimo Fumarola to Italy.
So, without more ado here is what I saw on the Morgan Factory Tour –



I hope you enjoyed this brief view of the Morgan Factory Tour, if you have never been and you are a classic car enthusiast, I would certainly recommend it.
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