Sunbeam Tiger 60th Anniversary

Sunbeam Tiger 60th Anniversary

Introduction The main purpose of this post is to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Sunbeam Tiger’s commencement of production in June 1964. This article will be of most interest […]

The Jensen GT, Jensen’s Last Hope

Jensen GT

I am on the mailing list of the Jensen Museum and in early 2019 I received an article featuring the Jensen GT. This model was a sports hatch version of […]

The Jensen Brothers, their cars and after

Jenwsen FF at Brightwells 4th September classic car auction at Leominster

I had the pleasure and privilege of working for Jensen Motors Ltd., as a draughtsman, in my early working life. I am probably one of the few people, still around, […]

Healey News Bulletin

    Healey and other fine cars News Bulletin The ‘showcasing’ of the Warwickshire County Record Office’s Healey Motor Company archive, via the WHMCA Bulletin had “run its course”; the […]

Hagerty Renaissance – Bicester Heritage 2018

Congratulations to Hagerty Insurance U.K. for having the brilliant idea of organising an alternative to the renowned Goodwood Revival Meeting. The Hagerty team realised that not all enthusiasts are able […]

Warwick Healey Motor Company Archive Project

Latest News – August 2017 While the archive material was being sorted, categorised and then catalogued, Gary Collins the archivist contracted to lead the team doing this work, also started […]

Classic Car Show NEC Birmingham – November 2016

The Classic Car Show, NEC, Birmingham, sponsored by Lancaster Insurance, just gets bigger and better each year (a record attendance of 71,000 this year!). Car Scene International was invited along […]

Healey Motor Company Miscellany

Frogeye Super Sprite

The main purpose of this post is to direct you to all the posts that I have written about Healeys, Austin Healeys, Jensen – Healeys recent years. This will […]

Avon Coachworks Warwick

This article has been produced for When researching for my ‘The Jensen brothers and their cars’ blog post, I discovered that their second design, after the one based on […]